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From Style To Shape: Your Countertop Options

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Countertops are one of the things in your house that can make a large impact. When you go to a countertop store, they will go over a variety of different choices that you have to ensure that the installation process goes as good as possible. 

Different Types of Materials

The biggest decision you will have to make in regards to your countertops is what kind of material you want to go with. While laminate countertops used to be a thing, stone has taken over the countertop world in a big way. 

Marble: Marble is one of the most popular stone choices right now, but it is really soft and porous which means that it stains really easily. If you are going to use it in a kitchen, make sure that you put it somewhere you don't do a lot of chopping or food prep on. 

Granite: Granite isn't as popular as it once was but it is still a really good option because if it is sealed properly it can be really resilient. 

Quartz: Quartz is another really popular option right now and is perfect for heavy use because it doesn't stain. As a man-made stone, quartz is unique because you can get it in just about any style and finish. 

Cement: Cement is gaining more and more popularity among homeowners because it's really durable, affordable, and gives off a more industrial look. Plus, it can be stained to give it a unique look. 

Wood: Wood countertops are fun to put on your kitchen island but they do require a lot of upkeep like standing, sealing, and restaining. 

Different Types of Edges

Square: The most popular type of countertop edge these days is a square edge. The great thing about this style is that since it is just a 90-degree angle cut, it's easy to do and shouldn't come with an extra charge. 

Bullnose: Bullnose is a rounded countertop edge that was primarily popular in the '80s and '90s. If you are worried about kids being around the sharp edges of square countertops, then bullnose may be a good option. 

Demi Bullnose: A demi bullnose countertop edge is one that's rounded on the top but still flat on the underside. 

Dupont, French Cove, and Ogee: These types of countertops have a more intricate shape compared to other types of countertops and come with a heftier price tag. If you want to add more interest to your countertops you may want to consider one of these edges. ;

Bevel: A beveled edge is similar to a square edge but rather than being cut off at a 90-degree angle, it's cut off at a 45-degree angle which gives the countertop edge a bit more interest. 

Once you have these things narrowed down, you can plan for your countertop installation. To learn more, reach out to a company near you.  
